Vitamin D... If there is one substance that we miss the most during the winter, it is this one! Indeed, vitamin D is found in foods such as orange juice, different types of fish (salmon, sardines, herring,..) or egg yolk. However, if you are not a fan of these types of foods, you can always expose yourself to the sun's rays which is another source of vitamin D.
Finally... when it's not the middle of winter !
Mainly, vitamin D helps strengthen your immune system to fight bacteria, viruses etc. Indeed, a vitamin D deficiency makes you more vulnerable to diseases, so it's not surprising that we get sick more often in winter !
There are also other benefits, such as the role it plays on your bones. Vitamin D strengthens your skeleton, which helps prevent fractures and weakened bones. Yes, it's not just calcium that is good for your bones !
To be more precise, vitamin D helps absorb calcium, so we recommend that you consume both at the same time! In the same vein, it slows down the aging of your bone mass and fights against osteoarthritis... This vitamin does a lot !"
Yves Bondroit coach for QNT